Intercessory Prayer & Healing Service
Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc.
“The Church without Walls”
The PVG Community Building
201 N. Aisquith Street (Mailing address)
Baltimore, MD 21202
Direct: 410-585-5182 or 410-366-7243
You are cordially invited to attend an....
"Anointed Intercessory Prayer & Healing Service"
Sabbath Saturday, May 13th 2017
12:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Hosted By
The Hallelujah Praise Prophetic Ministry
The Helping up Mission for Men
(Prayer Chapel)
1029 E. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-675-7500
Min. Devon Wilford-Said, Founder
Prophetic Teacher/Biblical Instructor
Prophetess Jacqueline Strawder-Perrera
Prophetic Overseer/Biblical Instructor
Contact No. 410-585-5182
Location Courtesy of:
The Helping up Mission (HUM)
Mr. Robert “Bob” Gehman, CEO Bro. Barry C. Burnett, Philanthropy Coordinator