Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc.
Praise be to God for His unspeakable gifts and to Him alone be the glory for the following overcoming testimonies of His miraculous healing power through His servants and ministers of Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc.
Regan Keller: At age 15 was miraculously healed last fall from a car accident that hit him on one side of his head leaving him in a coma and on life support not knowing if he would be left brain dead or not wake up at all. After he was prayed for by Min. Devon Wilford-Said and Evangelist Lucinda Adhikari the Lord raised him up out of his coma not many days afterwards alert and in his right mind.
More Testimonial
FYI: (HPM) Prophetic Prayer Line Sessions
The Hallelujah Praise "Church without Walls" Prophetic ministry will host a Prophetic Prayer Line to be held twice per week on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Courtesy of: FreeConferenceCalls.com.
Participants must be registered and cleared by the host Min. Devon Wilford-Said. Audio conference calls start at 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM.
Online Meeting ID: devon177
Dial-in Number: One Call (319) 527-4915
Passcode: 727377
Playback Recording Call-back Number: (720) 740-9894
Access Code:8884228#
"From Within" A Collection of Inspirational Poetry and Creative Expression," is the Author's second published book and she prays the Lord's blessings upon it. Feel free to purchase your copy at B&N local bookstores and B&N online, or Amazon.com. The author is asking that you register at B&N online and amazon.com to leave a review once you have purchased your copy in order to increase book sales.
Contact Devon Wilford-Said and make arrangements to have your copy of her new book auto-graphed. The retail price is $10.99 per copy. And if you haven't already purchased your copy of "Hallelujah Praise and Worship Manual" The author still has a few extra copies on hand. And is still available for $15.99 at Xlibris.com; Barnes & Noble online, and Amazon.com. Some of the proceeds from these books will be used to advance the Kingdom of God through Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc. Email Address: hallelujahpraise77@hotmail.com
B&N Online http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/devon-wilford-said?keyword=devon+wilford-said&store=allproducts
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com
Parchment Global Publishing Co. http://www.parchmentglobalpublishing.com
Book Depository http://www.bookdepository.com