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Jesus loves you!​

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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc., and The Gathering: Bible Study Fellowship Groups online. We hope that our website proves beneficial for you in meeting both your natural and spiritual need in order to learn, train and grow into a more well rounded person of faith. 

Feel free to read more of our faith based charitable programs and services that is offered here on this site; or contact us to schedule an appointment to visit with you at your own location.




Our Mission

The purpose of the organization is to provide ministerial support services—such as educational discipleship training, holistic health and wellness seminars/workshops, assist with the activation of the prophetic anointing for the prophetic ministry. Provide monthly in-home bible study fellowships in a city-wide community outreach capacity for adult women and men, and young adults who live, work and worship throughout Baltimore City, and surrounding Counties.


Bible Study Fellowship Sessions

Our organization offers monthly on- site Bible Study fellowships for adult women and men interested in learning more about the Word of God.


Monthly Bible Study Group Fellowship Sessions


The PVG Community Building

201 N. Aisquith Street

Baltimore MD 21202


Every Second Wednesday

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

*PLEASE NOTE: We're sorry but all on-site sessions are cancelled until further notice.

Word-up Bible Study on Wheels (B-STOW)

Locations: Baltimore City and /surrounding Counties

Pending Minister’s Schedules


Evangelistic Outreach services TBA


The Hallelujah Praise "Church Without Walls" Prophetic Prayer Services are held periodically throughout the year at:

The Helping up Mission for Men 1029 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-675-7500 Ext: 147


Courtesy of HUM Board President 


Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.



HPM: "The Church without Walls" Prophetic Prayer Line Sessions

You are invited to connect and pray prophetic intercessory prayers with us and to study end-time events from out of the Word of God so that we may prepare for the soon coming of our LORD and Savior Yeshua Ha'Machiach, Jesus Christ the Anointed Messiah. Please note: This Prayer Line is led by the Holy Spirit of God.

Date: Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.


Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.


Host: Min. Devon Wilford-Said, Prophetic Teacher/Scribe. 


Dial-in Number: 1-319-527-4915

Passcode: 727377

Play Back Number: 1-720-740-9894

Access Code: 8884228#


Please follow the promptings and key in the reference number to listen in.


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Latest News

Check out pictures of our recent community outreach activities. 

Outreach Mission

Building ongoing support and partnerships with other faith-based ministries and organizations.

Relief Fund

Please show your support and donate to our outreach ministries.

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A Message of Hope

"Women called out and separated unto the Lord will transcend the norm

And rise above all fears with the overcoming faith of God to persevere unto the end."  By: Devon Wilford-Said, Founder (HPM)


"And they continued steadfastly in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship, and breaking bread, and in prayers.  And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.  And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.  And continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with the people.  And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."  Acts: 2: 42-47

Program services and special events will be forthcoming on the YouTube channel for videos.

Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc. 

© 2016-2025 All Rights Reserved

Website Designed by: E. Devon Wilford-Said, Webmaster

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