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“Walk in the Light”


Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:33 AM


“Walk in the Light”

My Dream

I dreamt that I was inside this particular church building and sitting in the congregation worshiping during the praise and worship part of the service. And the worship leader was a female pastor that I knew named, Pastor Catherine Benton-Jones who was also a friend. I remember that it was moment when a high presence of the LORD was in the midst of congregants and then suddenly everything stopped, as if abruptly interrupted. When I looked up in the pulpit I had noticed a man talking to Pastor Benton-Jones rather sharply. The Holy Spirit at that moment took me over and I stood up in the sanctuary and started speaking in prophetic tongues, and when I came out of it. I remember saying to the people that the church must not hinder the flow of the Spirit when the presence of the LORD has entered to minister healing, etc.

Then I got up and left the building; and Pastor Benton-Jones had followed me out as if to apologize for what had just happened. I began explaining to her that the people should not be hindered when the flow the presence of the LORD is there to minister deliverance and healing. (Dream faded)…

I woke up out of my sleep hearing the LORD say, “The Church within the church” have to be saved. Birth them forth my daughter…carry them through travail. The “Community” (birth them forth by the anointing and travail.)”

“The people of GOD must allow His presence into the church for their deliverance. The “body of Christ,” travail and birth them forth.”

When I’d asked the LORD to make it plain: He said, “Say unto the Church within the church buildings that they must let me in so that they can be saved.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:48 AM

My Vision

Part I

It was during the daytime when I saw this church building from across a wide street that had a cross on top of the steeple. And the building had stain glassed windows, and a huge wide oval shaped door that was opened. But I could not see the inside of the building because it was black. I saw some people that were coming out of the building: they were men, women and children but all of their faces were black too. I was able to see the colors of their clothing but all of their faces were black like the background to the entrance of that huge front door.

Some of them were coming across the street…and I remembered seeing some cars driving by that were in color. The LORD was speaking to me in a still small voice, saying: “The Saints faces were black and in darkness because of “sin.”

Part II

I was looking down into this huge gulf of a valley from above as I hovered over it. And, I saw a multitude of people walking down below it coming from the right and walking aimlessly toward the left.

It was like it was a sea of all kinds’ of people with different nationalities and races judging by how their clothing had appeared. All of them seemed to be walking in the same direction; and had such a perplexed mannerism about themselves. Everything was in color however, all of their faces were black just like the people that came out from out of the church building. And, I was so amazed at this!

Part III

The Lord began to explain to me what I had just seen both in the dream and; while I was awake seeing in the vision.

  • “The Church” represented the body of Christ while in the church buildings. Some of the body of Christ who assemble themselves together in church building facilities but still walk in darkness. They need to open up their doors and to let Him back in.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in…

--Rev: 3: 20

  • The Church depicted here is a few community of believers who is called, the body of Christ; and the “Saints.”

  • I am to travail and birth forth and carry some of them through. In the prophetic dream the people of GOD must allow the LORD’s presence into the church building so that they can be delivered.

  • They must not stop the flow of the Spirit when the Spirit of God has entered into cover them in the light of His presence, so that they can be healed.

  • In the vision I was looking down upon a multitude of people as a sea of souls who were walking in darkness because of sin; and they need to be forgiven and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.

“Multitude, multitudes in the valley of decision… --Joel 3:14

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us from our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”--I John: 1: 9

  • The Word of Life which was from the beginning represents true fellowship with the Father and his Son, our LORD Jesus Christ: “The Anointed One,” Who represents the written message from the beginning.

  • “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shined in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

--John: 1: 1: 5

  • The Church, “body of Christ” must come out from the darkness and, “walk in the light.”

(I John: 1 Verse 6)

“If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness we lie, and do not the truth.”

  • The Church, “body of Christ” is hidden in darkness and MUST be brought forth into the light of My presence.

  • The assemblies of the upright in many houses are hidden in darkness. They are out of fellowship with the Father of Lights. (I John: 1 Verse 7) “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

  • Those that do not walk in the light of my countenance; and who have been blinded by the religious governance of men who say, they are “pastors or shepherds,” and who are not. But have been deceived by the evil one who has no part in me, says the Spirit of the LORD GOD of Hosts.

  • They worship what they know not through vain glory, and by the traditions of men’s doctrine, and religious customs that make The Word of God of no effect:

  • Many church houses are filled with deceit, false doctrine, religious programming, and the edification of men’s person puffed up by pride and vanity: to deceive the “upright ones” who “walk in the light.”

  • There is no respect of persons in ME says, the LORD! I AM light and in ME there is no darkness at all! “Walk in the light,” and enter into my presence and your sins shall be forgiven you!

  • The sea of people…a multitude of souls represents those who are walking in darkness because of sin; and who need to be warned to REPENT; and turn from the evil way so that they can be forgiven and cleansed through the blood of JESUS. See: (Joel: 3: 14)

  • Many are walking aimlessly in the “valley of decision,” and in darkness. Say to the people, REPENT and turn from your selfish ways, and back to your loving Father who waits to receive you back unto Himself. That you may enter into His rest; and that you’re JOY may be full.

“Then spoke JESUS again, saying, I AM the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” --John: 8: 12

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